"Never expect things to be good" A blog from Chris Welton

Friday, 20 June 2008

Rival Schools + Flood of Red @ King Tut's Wah Wah Hut

19 June 2008

I hate to be the person who picks out one member of a group for criticism, but Flood of Red need a new singer. The current chap's style of singing simply doesn't suit the sheer force of what is an incredible outfit. Whiney and often far too weak, he is a shadow of what is going on behind him. For one, the drummer hits the skins harder and more enthusiastically than anyone I think I've ever seen. It has to be said though; this enthusiasm does help disguise a sound that suffers from not being altogether that forward thinking.

To be fair, Flood of Red's vocalist (apologies for lack of naming, no good bios online) is not helped by early technical problems and to his credit his own personal performance and the overall display by the group really picks up towards the end of the set. We'll just put it down to nerves then shall we?

It seems wrong being nostalgic about a band when you're only in your early twenties, but Rival Schools have been away for well over six years and the last time I saw them I was only around 17!

Fortunately the show isn't all about the past. I mean, just look at how far Rival Schools has come. Walter is sporting a tash; Ian has become rather fat; Sam has shaved off his awesome 'fro; while, last but not least, Cache appears now to be Johnny Drama!

On a more serious note, new songs like Paranoid Detective and a wicked cover of How Soon is Now? show there is still plenty in the tank of this supergroup. Add to this all the hits from United by fate, The Switch, High Acetate and Good Things and you have a crowd full of happily satisfied chappies and chappettes.

It's easy to forget than in the time they've been gone, music has changed so drastically. The MySpace and iTunes revolution; even "emo" has moved from post-hardcore groups like Rival Schools to a tag for pop punk bands.

In the end, predictably, Used for Glue prompts the first mass movement of the crowd, and the faithful leaves suitably happy. This Rival Schools reunion feels different to others. It doesn't feel forced and the band members appear to have taken the time they need apart and seem delighted to be back in front of their, still keen, fanbase.

After one of the all-time great debut albums and a seven year wait for the follow up, it's finally almost time for the "difficult" second album. And I for one, can't wait...It's great to have Rival Schools back!

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