The newest season of Larry David’s freakshow ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ has now arrived on US television. The question is after six brilliant series under its belt, can the show keep the incredibly high standard of comedy going?
Every time a new season of Curb arrives it’s hard not to have a thought of resignation that it will never be as good as the last. So far, however, the genius that is Larry David has somehow managed to continue improving on what has come before.
Season Six delivered arguably the finest finale in Curb history as Larry finally put Cheryl behind him and got together with Loretta and the Black family. Even for Curb finale standards, this was exceptional.
But wait a second...Larry David’s character actually getting something he wants? Joy? Family? Shurely shome mishtake and it’s actually some annoying dream sequence?
Happily Season Seven shows this wasn’t a trick, but typically Larry is now unhappy. Loretta is sick and showing he still has a vigorous helping of wickedness about him, Larry is intent on ending the relationship before results come back, inevitably for Larry, showing cancer – which in his mind means it becomes a permanent union.
In the meantime, just to up the stakes, legendary comedic actress Catherine O’Hara is thrown into the mix as: "Funkhouser's Crazy Sister". Queue an awful display from the ‘fat fuck’ Jeff which even has Larry shocked!
In classic David style we can reflect on the episode with a clear view of the arc that will envelope season seven. Cheryl has returned to the fold on a chance encounter where she spells out that a Larry not working is not a Larry she could ever be with again. With the entire cast of Seinfeld returning for Curb, could it be that Larry develops a Seinfeld reunion with the sole selfish intention of pleasing Cheryl and winning her back?!
And in the end, Larry is indeed stuck with Loretta, which has to have the audience delighted. The opportunity for more Leon and Larry banter is stupidly exciting!
So, after six great seasons, how do you keep a show firing on all cylinders? By retaining an incredible cast of memorable characters (Jeff, Leon, Funkhouser et al), bringing in yet more quality (Bam Bam, and the entire Seinfeld cast!) and making sure, in classic Seinfeld fashion, no hugging, no learning.
Season seven looks set to continue the upwards march of this outstanding show.