"Never expect things to be good" A blog from Chris Welton

Monday, 28 September 2009

Looking to the future – I need your help!

Please forgive me if I talk entirely about myself in this post but it’s all change in the house of Welton.

I recently had to leave Hot Tin Roof after almost two glorious years. This period was a learning experience like no other. I worked in a cracking team and developed relationships with some charming journalists, businesses and networking types who I will solely miss.

If this is news to you, it may come as a surprise I’m also not even in Edinburgh anymore! I’m currently sitting with no job in my home in Godalming, Surrey nursing some sunburn from a particularly bright September weekend and enjoying not being woken by rabid seagulls.

And so we come to the conundrum. What am I going to do now?

This could get me nervous but I do have a plan.

If there is anything the Edinburgh Coffee Morning and various meetups in the city have shown me, it’s that networking and developing your contacts is the best way to further your own profile.

So as of today I am looking to build up some buzz about Chris Welton, in hopefully a less haphazard style as Tobias Fünke.

I’m keen to meet as many awesome people in and around London in the realm of the digital. If you happen to know anyone and think we’d have a good old chinwag, please introduce me.

Point them to any of the following pages or drop me a line:

This recession may be hell-bent on stopping me from working, but dammit I’m going to stay active for these next three months.

I mention this time limit because there is further intrigue on the horizon. Following my redundancy, I did what any person faced with the prospect of not getting paid would do...I booked a trip to America!

Yes, the land of the free awaits in January and I’m not just planning a break, oh no, this is my chance to travel.

Coast to coast from San Francisco to New York between January and March!

The details are sketchy so far but one thing I am sure of is this is a journey to the heart of the USA. The American people.

I want to meet as many genuine and friendly Yanks as possible. Sites will be seen but my travels will revolve around you. If you fancy a visit from a cheery English chappy then just say the word!


And likewise if you know people in America please do an eIntroduction (CC me into an email to your US friend). I’m a social and positive person with no criminal record or any real annoying habits! Why wouldn’t you want to meet me?!

So, that’s the update. I apologise for such a ‘me’ style blog focus – rest assured I will get back to writing some less personal tripe soon. But in the meantime, please bear this in mind:

Can you help me?

1 comment:

Dave Cook said...

Trust me Chris, you will be a regular feature on my follow fridays ;)

What sectors do you want to write about? Same deal or are you looking to expand?
